![WMC FIGHT WARS 9](/img/node/1004.jpg)
The Main Event was for the Female 57kg Oceania Title fought between Kate Heuston and Joanna Maceachern.
This bout was fought at a furious pace from round 1.
Both women started with strong leg kicks and punch combos, as the round progressed Kate landed some solid elbows and dominated in the grapple.
Round 2 Joanna came out with strong hands and Kate landing left and right kicks to the body. Kate’s grappling skills allowed her to land more elbows this round.
Round 3 Joanna took control of the grapple early and taking Kate the floor. Kate replied with leg kicks to the body and inner thighs of Joanna. Near the end of the round Kate caught Joanna with step up left elbow in the neutral corner opening a small cut on Joannas left cheek under her eye.
Round 4 saw both women still pushing forward with punch combos and strong grappling techniques.
Round 5 Kate found her range with push kicks and hand combos also landing body shots and slowing Joanna down. Kate got Joanna on the back foot with landing some good head shots. Kate finished the round strong taking the bout and the 57kg Oceania Title by UPD.
Another great promotion for female muaythai!!
Source: World Muaythai Council.