Muaythai in Fitness First is going from strong to stronger which just showed at the recent Personal Trainer (PT) Fitness First Pad Holder work shop. 230 PTs participated in the 5-day work shop which was the biggest pad holder seminar of the series. WMC Vice President Stephan Fox conducted the work shop together with Contender Asia and Challenger coach Hanarong, assisted by the National Indonesia Muaythai Federation. Stephan Fox stated “There was a fantastic atmosphere from day one and the participants came well prepared as Fitness First Indonesia had organised 3 courses as part of their preparations”. A special press conference was also held to announce the full inclusion of muaythai for fitnesssm in all branches of Fitness First in Indonesia. The final 3 hours consisted of a work shop in which many local celebrities and members of the press joined in to get a taste of the skills learned by the PTs and what a fun work out muaythai can be. Let’s get ready for muaythai to hit Fitness First in Indonesia! Source: IFMA.