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Muaythai Khan examination with Dr.Sakchye in Gernmany!

Muaythai Khan examination with Dr.Sakchye in Gernmany!
Muaythat educational program
One week seminar
Muaythai Khan examination
Dr.Sakchye Tapsuwan in Germany
Seminar 17 - 23th November 2012

We would like to inform you that Dr.Sakchye Tapsuwan will be in Germany from 14 - 23th November for a Khan seminar and examination. Country representatives, who have been working with that Khan program can pass the examination up to 13th Khan degree and country representatives, who would like to install the Khan program in their own countries will get all details and examination to start the program in their countries.

Furthermore, there will be also a professional Muaythai Referee Course leaded by Dr.Sakchye.

We need your application until 31th October at the latest. A list of hotels is attached. Kindly book your hotel by yourself.

The seminar will be organised at:
Bujin Gym
41569 Rommerskirchen

Seminar charges:
Muaythai educational program - Khan degrees - examination........450,- U$
Prof.Referee course...............................................................................100,- U$

You can reach the town of Rommerskirchen easily by train from Düsseldorf Airport within 40 minutes and from Cologne Airport within 30 minutes.

   For more details please contact German Muaythai Federation <[email protected]>
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Source: European Muaythai Federation.