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Youth Development – Our Future



Since many years ago, IFMA has established a youth development program and has instructed all national federations and the five continental federations to work strictly in their guidelines. It is very important that a solid foundation is laid for the future of the sport that lies within the tradition of muaythai that the cultural, traditional and sporting aspects are passed down from generation to generation.

The success has really come to light in the last few years with the last IFMA junior world championships that had participants form over 40 countries. It fills us all with pride to see these youngsters from around the world performing the traditional “wai kru” with such beauty and grace. Part of this youth development program is certainly also the Muaythai Against Drugs (MAD) campaign which is chaired by HE General Pichitr Kullavanijaya, privy councillor to HM the King, in which street children are encouraged to join free of charge specially designed programs around the world.

These programs have been given the highest praises from national governments and there are so many to mention but especially South Africa, Ukraine, Russia, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan are just some of the countries that have established such programs. There is no social difference within these programs that nurture the children’s respect for one another no matter what their background. For example, HE the privy councillor to HM the King, despite his age, participates in this  project at least once a week and sets an example for all other countries. Many exchange programs have been established in which the children have the chance to travel and visit other projects around the world. To participate in this exchange program, the children’s grades and effort at school is used to select who will be given this great opportunity.

A process which ignites in the children the drive to be better students at school. Thai street kids through this program have totally integrated in society and have had the chance to travel to America, Europe and Australia to perform in cultural events. South African or Ukrainian kids participated in events for example in Thailand, Korea and so on. Some of the kids had been invited to fight on HM the King of Thailand’s birthday in front of an audience of over 200,000 people. A great test of strength and character.

Another side project for kids was during the shoot of The Contender Asia in Singapore, where Singapore school children were selected and given the chance to spend the day training, eating and socialising with their Contender heroes. The project’s motto is “a healthy mind, and healthy body”.

Another highlight was the cultural exchange program during the world sport cultural festival under patronage of the IOC in which over 3 months, Korean school children had the chance to learn more about the cultures of other countries and the children from those countries had the chance to travel to Korea to meet and socialise with their Korean friends.

The children are our future and we must treasure them as such, and IFMA is proud to have established this program, and in muaythai, there is no difference between rich or poor, as all of them come together for the love of the sport.

