During IFMA HQ’s recent site visit to Malaysia, several issues were discussed with the Local Organising Committee in preparation for the upcoming Championships. The theme of 2014 IFMA Championships is Youth and Sport, and to preserve and sustain the natural beauty of beautiful Langkawi for future generations IFMA will implement an event sustainability program developed by AISTS and IOC during the event.
The concept of sustainability includes the areas of environmental, social and economic development and IFMA in collaboration with LOC has developed a number of policies and activities to address each in the sphere of sustainable event organisation.
“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” became a new motto of the LOC. The Malaysian Federation have developed a number of polices to minimise the detrimental impact on the environment and support the local community. Water, food and waste management program will be implemented throughout the event and to ensure that the championship leaves a positive legacy behind, all equipment will be distributed among local schools and orphanages.
Championships will be powered by the energy derived from natural sources: solar and wind turbines will be installed on the site. In addition to that, all offices will be equipped with low-energy office equipment. Participants will have a chance to opt for eco-friendly modes of transportation such as bicycles and electric cars.
To drive environmental initiatives further in addition to the main competition program, IFMA will launch the IFMA Green Team Champion program, an interactive system where a team will be awarded points for complying or participating in sustainability programs.
Tags: News, AISTS, event, IFMA, Local Organising Committee
Source: IFMA.