“Using Muaythai to help the young is our main goal”, a simple but profound message from His Excellency General Pichitr Kullavanijaya, Privy Councilor to His Majesty the King of Thailand and honorary President of WMC (World Muaythai Council) and IFMA. Over one hundred children led by H.E. General Pichitr Kullavanijaya gathered at Kru Sua Muaythai Park in Bangkok for a special demonstration and luncheon provided by the Friends and Family of the Australian Embassy in Bangkok. A Los Angeles based film crew was on hand to document the children as they gave a traditional Thai music performance and demonstrated traditional Muay Boran and Muaythai techniques. Since the Muaythai Against Drugs Program began in 1999, H.E. General Pichitr Kullavanijaya has led an impressive youth program using the fundamental principles of Muaythai to encourage positive development among children in the community. Every Saturday, children can come to the park and many other locations free of charge for lessons. This program is designed to give children a safe place to learn rather than facing temptations of crime and drug abuse. Muaythai is used as a tool to encourage children to take the right path in life, to make positive choices and to say no to drugs. The program goes further than this as the kids overall grades at school will be monitored. The children who improve their grades have the chance to travel around the world as part of the cultural program to showcase Muaythai. Many children from the program were part of the recent Sport for All Games in Korea, under patronage of the IOC in which IFMA received the highest praises. Richard Stephenson, founder and principal organizer of the annual CCGI (Caribbean Classic Golf Invitational) Celebrity golf tournament and charity event, and President of the RISARC Foundation and CCGI is involved in an effort to foster another special program aimed at youth in the Caribbean. Stephenson’s film crew taped promotional footage of H.E. General Pichitr Kullavanijaya’s youth program for a star-studded event to take place in Jamaica this summer. Children involved in the program have the opportunity to travel to Jamaica to take part in the spectacular charity fundraiser. Although world’s apart, two cultures like Jamaica and Thailand are able to unite for a common cause using positive aspects of muaythai to help children. The CCGI Event is supported by the Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding and has been able to donate over $300,000 in computer equipment for primary schools in Jamaica. The event is one of the biggest professional Muaythai events ever staged outside of Thailand. The best Professional Muaythai fighters from across the globe will gather together for one massive fight night on June 26 in Montego Bay, Jamaica for Champions of Champions. This action-packed charity fundraiser will feature top ranked fighters from across the globe and for the first time ever, seven WMC World Title fights will be on one card. All of the world’s top ranked muaythai fighters will join professional fighter and Jamaican superstar, Clifton Brown to visit schools in need and donate over 3,000 computers. ABOUT CARIBBEAN CLASSIC GOLF INVITATIONAL AND CHARITY EVENT
The 4 day event June 24-28 features a 2-day golf tournament; Champions of Champions II Muaythai fight night, VIP party with culture show, comedy showcase and the popular CCGI Black Tie Gala. ABOUT RISARC Foundation and CCGI FOUNDATION
The mission of RISARC and the CCGI Foundation is to collaborate and focus resources on preparing a new generation of leaders by building a platform for leadership development and innovative project initiatives. The focus is to establish computer learning centers in Jamaica and throughout the Caribbean. CCGI hosts a series of fundraising events annually in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Proceeds from the events will be used to contribute to this mission by providing computer labs in every primary school in Jamaica. More information can be found at www.caribbeangolfclassic.org. ABOUT MUAYTHAI AGAINST DRUGS
The Muaythai Against Drugs Campaign was founded in 1999 under the direction of His Excellency General Pichitr Kullavanijaya, Privy Councilor to His Majesty the King of Thailand. It was established as a worldwide anti-drug campaign using Muaythai as a tool to teach underprivileged children the benefits of a healthy lifestyle using sport as a foundation. The program was established in cooperation with the International Muaythai Federation Amateur (IFMA) and the World Muaythai Council (WMC) and together with H.E. General Kullavanijaya, the program has gained worldwide support from the muaythai community. The WMC VP Stephan Fox is also the Secretary of the Muaythai Against Drugs campaign. Children who participate in the program are recognized and rewarded with unique opportunities to travel and perform for audiences and cultural exchange programs. The Muaythai community is proud to unite in times of need for a common cause. In 2004, when the deadly Tsunami affected so many lives in Southeast Asia, muaythai organizations from around the world raised funds and distributed over $1.5 million dollars in care packages to the victims demonstrating that sports can truly make a difference. Muaythai United for Youth Charity. See you in Jamaica! Source: http://www.ifmamuaythai.org/HTML/09_0310_GenPkid.html