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Do Good Feel Good with the Green Shoots Foundation

Do Good Feel Good with the Green Shoots Foundation

LONDON – WMC Vice President and IFMA General Secretary Stephan Fox donned his muaythai shorts once again in support of his Do Good Feel Good campaign to inspire people to do good while getting a great work muaythai work out.

Stephan, with the generous support of FightLife Co., Ltd. took some enthusiastic do-gooders through the paces in a special charity session where all proceeds were raised funds for the Green Shoots Foundation.


Green Shoots Foundation is launching a Food & Agriculture education project consisting in setting up and operating vocational vegetable gardens in 42 rural schools in Otdar Meanchay province, Northwest Cambodia. The roll out period is expected to be three years for a total budget of £137,000 (US$220,000). The project is expected to improve Food & Agriculture vocational skills of 3,000 directly involved students and another 9,000 indirectly involved students. It aims to diversify the skills of about 300 teachers and help them connect more with the farming population. The project also promotes sound agricultural practices by reducing reliance on chemical fertilisers and non-organic pesticides.


Tags: News, Charity, Do Good Feel Good, Green Shoots Foundation, Stephan Fox

Source: IFMA.