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Muaythai Australia is Safe!

Muaythai Australia is Safe!

Last weekend, Muaythai Australia held the Australian National Junior Championship 2014 on the Gold Coast in Queensland at the Tallabudgerra Leisure Centre.

Australia is among the strongest country for the sport of Muaythai and the junior development is high on the sports agenda. Tony Favuzzi, President of Australia Muaythai, stated that the yearly Junior National Championship is one of the, if not, the most important event on the Australian calendar.

Kids from all around Australia, travelled this year to the Gold Coast in order to participate in this great event. Favuzzi added that many forget how big Australia is and that kids from Perth or Darwin would most probably arrive faster in Singapore than to the Gold Coast. The numbers of participants, again, succeeded all expectations with a full-house every day. The emphasis of the event is balanced on sporting exchange as well as the importance of friendship which plays an essential part in Muaythai.

Australia had the largest Junior team at the last Junior World Championships in Langkawi, Malaysia and Favuzzi stated that for the 2015 World Cup in Bangkok, Australia will have a full junior male and female team competing, and again, the Southern Cross will be flying high.

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Source: IFMA.