Only 3 weeks to go until the opening of the Muaythai University World Cup, and team Mexico are the first to arrive, train and get acclimated for this important event.
Mr Jorge Vasquez, President of the Mexican Federation, stated that Mexico is nearly a whole day’s flight away from Bangkok, and they want to ensure that team Mexico is in the best shape to compete against the best university athletes from all five continents.
A team of 12 including athletes, coaches and officials arrived in Bangkok after a long flight from Mexico City. Elisa Salinas, IFMA Ethics Commission member, and one of leading ambassadors in IFMA’s Social Responsibility Unit, stated that a lot of work has been done towards the important Muaythai University World Cup, especially with all the social initiatives. It has been a fantastic platform to create awareness and to further popularise the sport across Mexican universities.
Tags: News, 2015 Muaythai University World Cup, IFMA Muaythai University World Cup
Source: IFMA.