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His Excellency M.L. Panadda Disakul awards the Breakthrough of the Year


His Excellency M.L. Panadda Disakul was the first to go up for the nominees of the breakthrough of the year. The breakthrough is given to new athletes which have not been international champions winning world championships, Combat Games, FISU championships and so on.

The nominees had been:

Mikalai Sviadonski (Belarus)

Isa Tidblad Keskinkangas (Sweden)

Etai Gershon (Israel)

Danial Williams (Australia)


When His Excellency opened the envelope to nominate a winner you could hear a needle dropped and it was Danial Williams from Australia and over 100 visitors from Australian team, Embassy and  raised from their seats, congratulations to the winner which has been the winner of the FISU World Cup 2015 and only 6 weeks later won the WMC world title to mark the name as one of the new superstars of muaythai.

Tags: News

Source: IFMA.