The Mauritius – Federation de Muay-Thai et Disciplines Assimilees recently welcomed Daniel Norrgard from the Organising Committee of the 2016 IFMA World Championships. The President of the Mauritian Muaythai NF and IFMA Executive Board member Sham Seetaram jumped on the opportunity to gather the local press and the National TV to promote IFMA and the upcoming World Championships. The National NF really appreciated the visit/exchange and it was a BIG opportunity to raise the awareness of Muaythai in Mauritius and the news had spread locally and regionally.
Topics such as youth development, social responsibilities, sustainability and of course the sport’s application for IOC recognition were discussed and Mr Norrgard to the opportunity to present the World Championships to the Indian Ocean Region.
Following the press conference, the NF held its Annual General Meeting where the Mauritian President conveyed to all member clubs the messages and from the recent IFMA AGM in Bangkok.
Looking ahead, the Mauritian Muaythai Federation are in anticipation of 2 important dates, the first of which will be the 14th of November which will see a Muaythai Kids Day organised at which 200 needy children will take part in a half-day retreat focussing on muaythai, after which they will be treated to a special lunch courtesy of all the federation’s members at the ‘7 Cascades Restaurant & Lodge’
The second important date in the remainder of 2015 will be the Mauritian National Championships will be held on the 12th December to qualify the nation’s best to proudly represent Mauritius in Jönköping, Sweden.
Tags: News
Source: IFMA.