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Press Conference for Contender Asia Season Two

 Press Conference for Contender Asia Season Two

A powerful press conference for Contender Asia season two was chaired last week by the Honourable Minister of Tourism Malaysia, YB Dato’ Seri Ng Yen Yen at the Tourism Malaysia headquarters in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia won the bid to act as host country the highly successful season two of the Muaythai reality show, Contender Asia.


Mr. Muhd Shah Azmi, Manager of the Malaysia based Osys Group of Companies made an emotional speech stating the pride he feels for his country of Malaysia and the unique opportunity to host the show while promoting Malaysian culture and heritage to the world.

Riaz Mehta, the Executive Producer of Contender Asia gave the press a detailed presentation on the benefits of acting as host for the Contender Asia series as it showcases Malaysia, while promoting tourism as well as plans for development of the Contender Asia loft in Kuala Lumpur.


Contender Asia Host and Mentor, Stephan Fox discussed the journey ahead for the sixteen ambassadors of Muaythai who will travel to Malaysia from five continents to compete for the Contender Asia title to pursue their dreams and hopes. Fox stated, “Dreams can often become challenging but challenges are what we live for.”

The Honourable Minister, Dr. Ng Yen Yen gave a very powerful speech thanking each and everyone who helped bring Contender Asia to Malaysia and pledged full support from the Malaysian government. Malaysia is truly an amazing country complete with national treasures and blessed with warm and friendly people. All of Malaysia is looking forward to the start of season two.

Contender Asia will start on the 31st of July and will air on AXN from October onwards. Respect All, Fear None will again become a major hit around the world. Contender Asia season two will bring the world to Malaysia and Malaysia to the world.


Source: http://www.ifmamuaythai.org/HTML/09_0630_PressCont2.html