On behalf of the IFMA Executive Board, IFMA Commissions, all officials and athletes within the world muaythai community, we wish to express our deepest condolences on the passing of Marta Kałuża-Tomasiak, the referee of the Polish Muaythai Federation who recently lost her arduous battle with cancer. Her death is no doubt a great loss to the world muaythai community.
We wish to extend our heartfelt sympathy to her family, friends, and colleagues who are affected so greatly by this loss. As the chairwomen of the Muaythai Female Commission in Poland, Marta made a notable contribution to the development of female muaythai internationally. Her work will live throughout the years and inspire many coaches, athletes and all involved in the sport of muaythai.
We are deeply saddened over her tragic and untimely death. We honour her and those whose lives she touched are in our thoughts and prayers.
Tags: News
Source: IFMA.