The IFMA international office lead by IFMA sports director Miss Charissa Tynan arrived in Jonkoping, Sweden, four days before the opening ceremony of the historical event of the first World Championship held in Scandinavia. Miss Tynan stated that it is important for IFMA to be here early to work closely with the LOC on any last problems and perform the final inspections with the technical commission of the venue and hotel, as well as liaise with the transportation department.
Miss Tynan also stated that the IFMA athletes are at the heart of our event, many of them have 30 hour flights behind them so it is important for a smooth transition from arrival to the hotel so that they can rest and be the best they can be.
Following IFMA tradition the entire international office arrived in the hotel and spent an hour and a half in the gym to be physically prepared for the challenges ahead before meeting with the LOC to go through all the different topics involved regarding this historical event.
Tags: News
Source: IFMA.