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Youth World Championships Meeting in Bangkok


A meeting took place between the Royal Thai Government, Department of Physical Education representative Mr. Yotsapol Sukumolnan, IFMA President Dr. Sakchye Tapsuwan, the AMTAT Vice President Mr. Kajorn Prowsri, and the IFMA international office led by IFMA Secretary General and AIMS President Stephan Fox.

A briefing took place by the Royal Thai government, Department of Physical Education on all the logistical details, transport, hotel, food, competition venues, opening ceremony and so on.

IFMA made a detailed briefing on all competition related matters and the Gala. Everything is on track and it is a historical moment for Thailand as they have been awarded for the first time the sole youth world championships. Thailand is looking forward to welcome our heart, our future, our youth to the Kingdom.

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Source: IFMA.