Nelson Mandela once said, sport has the power to change the world, it has the power to inspire, it has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to the youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair.
IFMA and muaythai truly believe in the values of sport; it helps to build character, encourage emotional growth and teaches the participants as much as the fans the values of fair play, respect, and cultural understanding.
The youth, our children, as much as in life as in muaythai are our future. They will carry muaythai to a time in to the next generation, so we must protect them, we must guide them, we must listen to them, in order for them to be an example we must be an example. These are the words of IFMA’s Vice President and Youth Commission Chairperson Elisa Salinas from Mexico.
This year the IFMA three day youth congress was again truly important to continue the youth development work combining sporting and cultural exchange, and not to forget the fun aspect. This year’s youth ambassador was Pheline Rosin from New Zealand who truly delivered a touching speech on the hopes and dreams of our muaythai youth in a world which is so desperately searching for cultural understanding and peace.
She moved the entire audience and brought the IFMA President Dr. Tapsuwan on his knees showing his respect to our children, to our future.
Pheline invited everybody to come to Bangkok from 24th Aug to 1st Sep to this year’s IFMA Youth World Championships and who could say no to this important event and the beautiful invitation from the IFMA youth.
Tags: News
Source: IFMA.