A special celebration took place in Hong Kong to celebrate the 15th year inauguration of the Hong Kong Muaythai Association (HKMTA). HKMTA is solely recognised by the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China and is one of the leading muaythai federations in the world, in fact per capita the biggest with over 150 muaythai gyms in Hong Kong solely united under one banner. The secret is no secret. It’s about the sport and the athletes and the promotion of Hong Kong. The Executive Board of HKMTA is strong and former presidents like Tim Lee and Eldy Chan stay in the board supporting the new President and Chairman, Sam Chau.
They also have an important place in the IFMA and FAMA Executive Board. Tim Lee being the IFMA Vice President, Eldy Chan the FAMA Vice President, Pink Ki Wong part of the Technical Commission and the President Sam Chau is also in the IFMA Business Commission.
The Gala event saw over 2000 people come together with many stars from the movie and entertainment industry, representatives of the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, Sports Ministry and certainly from all the 150 gyms. IFMA was also represented by the IFMA General Secretary, Stephan Fox. It was a great night in which IFMA honoured the contribution of HKMTA especially Tim Lee ,Eldy Chan,Sam Chau ,Pinki Wong
IFMA is looking forward to the next 15 years of fantastic coperation
Tags: News
Source: IFMA.