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Youth Conference on education and the future of sport!

3108 Youth Conference audience

Athletes waiting for the conference – Afghanistan, Russia, Ukraine

After previous editions, in Turkey, Uzbekistan, Russia, Malaysia, it was Bangkok’s turn to host the Youth Conference as part of the Youth World Championship 2016.

The theme was Youth, Education and the Future of Sport. The ball room at the Ambassador Hotel was packed to capacity with 800 athletes and officials from all 5 continents listening to presentations.

Dr Sakcyhe and Stefan w young athletes

Dr Sakcyhe with a young athlete from Belarus and Stephan Fox an athlete from Libya after the conference!

YOuth Conference Brazil w Dr Sakcyhe

Mr Flavio Bettarello Brazil w IFMA President Dr Sakchye Tapsuwan

IFMA President, Dr Sakchye Tapsuwan welcomed all the delegates with IFMA Sports Director Charissa Tynan, on behalf of the IFMA International Office.

The representative of the Brazilian Embassy and Government, Mr Flavio Bettarello delivered a presentation on the 2016 Rio Olympics, Unity in Diversity.

Ms. Ornwipa Rugkhla, from UN Women spoke on Gender Equality and their partnership with IFMA, UNESCO’s Dr Sue Vize spoke on the partnership of IFMA and UNESCO on youth development and education.

IFMA General Secretary Mr Stephen Fox made a detailed presentation on IFMA’s continued vision for grassroots development and updated everyone on upcoming events involving the youth.

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Tags: Events, News, ifma youth championships, Youth World Championships

Source: IFMA.