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Muaythai a Hit at the Korean Masterships



Muaythai was one of the most popular sports during the World Martial Arts Masterships held in the beautiful city of Cheong Ju. 17 combat sports participated in this amazing event and the Cheong Ju Olympic Memorial Civic Centre was packed for the entire competition as team Korea demonstrated why they are one of the leading National Federations in Asia, fully recognised by the NOC of Korea.


President Yeo said that he is proud of the three gold medals Korea won on the final day as Thailand sent outstanding athletes. Candice Mitchell from Canada showed again why female Muaythai in Canada is going from strong to stronger by winning the gold medal. Two male highlight bouts were at 67 kg with Kazakh athlete Nikolay Sammusev beating the Thai champion in an outstanding performance, and in the 81 kg division the big match Korea vs USA, the big hitters which put the stadium on fire when the Korean champion won.


Many VIPs were present in the VIP section; the Governor of Cheong Ju Mr. Lee and many other Korean VIPs, also many other friends from other martial arts including the President of Jiu Jitsu Mr. Panagiotis Theodoropoulos, President of IFMA Dr. Tapsuwan, IFMA Vice President Mr. Yeo, and Mr Driss from Morocco. Congratulations to Cheong Ju city for an outstanding event. Congratulations to all the athletes from all 5 continents!


Tags: News

Source: IFMA.