(left to right) Consul-General of Thailand to Vietnam, Mrs Ureerat Ratanaprukse, IFMA General Secretary Stephan Fox, IOC President Dr Thomas Bach and Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand Gen Tanasak Patimapragorn
IFMA and the Muaythai athletes received the highest honour when the IOC President made a personal visit to the IFMA event at the 5th Asian Beach Games in Da Nang Vietnam. President Bach had shown support for the IFMA championships with a personalised message at the Royal World Cup, but it was the first time that an IOC president sat ringside at any Muaythai competition, experiencing the traditions and atmosphere Muaythai has as a martial art and combat sport.
Muaythai is one of the 23 international sporting federations grouped together under the Alliance of Independent Recognised Members of Sport (AIMS), an umbrella group that received IOC recognition 6 months ago, during the SportAccord Convention in Lausanne.
IFMA would like to thank the IOC President, Dr Bach for his vision, leadership and for keeping his promise to acknowledging international sport federations that are fully committed to being in compliance with the Olympic Charter and Code of Ethics though not yet individually recognised by the IOC. As one of these federations, IFMA stands by its commitment to upholding the Olympic spirit of Solidarity, Unity in Diversity and continuing to ensure all aspects of Fair Play.

Minister for Tourism & Sport of Thailand Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul, IFMA General Secretary Stephan Fox, IOC President Dr Thomas Bach and Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand Gen Tanasak Patimapragorn
Tags: News
Source: IFMA.