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“Innovation in Action” at SportAccord 2017 in Aarhus, Denmark



SportAccord Convention is the world’s premier and most exclusive annual event at the service of sport. It is focused on driving positive change internationally and dedicated to engaging and connecting; rights holders, organising committees, cities, press and media, businesses and other organisations involved in the development of sport. This year’s convention will be held in Aarhus, Denmark from April 2-7 and IFMA will be in attending for the first time as an IOC recognised international federation and member of ARISF.

This year’s Plenary Conference will focus on the theme of “Innovation in Action” and will showcase best practices from International Federations and industry thought-leaders.

The Key Note address will address the question “Why you must innovate to stay relevant”. IFMA is looking forward to attending this year’s conference and is looking to take back some valuable information on why and how we as an International Sport Federation must stay on top of innovative ways to engage with our members, athletes and fans.

The first plenary panel session will see industry leaders discussing the topic “Innovation – A permanent change revolution, or an opportunity to reset your sport?”. Panellists will share information and knowledge on how sports are using innovative approaches within their specific disciplines to advance both the sport itself as well as expand who is able to participate in it. Are we looking to shuffle along with the times, or are we prepared to make bold moves to provide a longer-term change, which fans, players, and sponsors can get behind and learn to love?

The next panel discussion will focus on “Innovation in the Business of Sport”.

Sport is a world where nothing can be taken for granted any more – even diehard fans have expectations moving as fast as the technology landscape. From spectator experience to sponsor engagement, digital, data and in-stadium technology allow you to provide much more – and draw so much more in return. This panel will consider the risks of moving too fast for the fans, balanced against the dangers of getting caught in the wake of other, faster moving clubs, sports and competitions.

Tags: News

Source: IFMA.