An important meeting took place with the Minister of Tourism and Sport Aleksandr Shamko, the Chairman of the Belarus Muaythai Federation General Yuriy Karaev, and the IFMA General Secretary, Stephan Fox.
The Minister again confirmed that the IFMA World Championships 2017 in Minsk will be a governmental project, and the government will work closely together with the Belarus federation and IFMA to ensure that it will be a festival of friendship and sport. The Belarus Muaythai Federation Chairman stated that he is proud to host the World Championships and every party involved will do their best to welcome all athletes in Minsk in May.
IFMA General Secretary applauded the efforts of the government as many activities are planned outside the field of play during the 10 days.
A press conference was held afterwards to inform the press on all the activities.
Tags: News
Source: IFMA.