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Thailand vs. Challenger TV Series - Press Conference

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A very impressive and successful press conference has been staged at one of Thailand‘s premier locations; Siam Paragon. Thailand vs. Challenger is organized by Elite Boxing and no doubt that in conjunction with Onesongchai and The World Muaythai Council, it will be setting a brand new standard in muaythai promotions. Thailand‘s legendary hip hop group, Thaitanium, are to release a special album for this occasion ‘Defending National Pride‘ as the official anthem of the TV series.

The opening event will be held on January the 14th at Siam Paragon‘s Royal Paragon Hall and future events will be taking place at the Royal Cliff Beach Resort Pattaya, The Laguna Phuket and Baan Klang Stadium where Thailand‘s best muaythai fighters will take on fighters from Japan, China, Russia, Australia and France.

Many celebrities attended the press conference but sitting behind the main table was His Excellency General Pichitr Kullavanijaya, Privy Councilor of His Majesty the King of Thailand and Honorary President of WMC, General Chetta Thanajaro President of the WMC, Air force Chief Marshal Bureerat Ratanawanit, Toli Makris Director of Elite Boxing, Khun Songchai Ratanasuban and last but not least Stephan Fox Vice President of the WMC.

Impressive speeches had been made by all the dignities and there‘s no doubt that Thailand vs. Challenger will be action packed and full of entertainment so stay tuned for more updates and further info.


Source: http://www.ifmamuaythai.org/HTML/09_1105_TVseries.html