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Combat Sports Games Signing Ceremony

 Combat Sports Games Signing Ceremony

The beautiful Atlantis hotel in Dubai was the setting for the International Federations' meeting in regard to the upcoming SportAccord Combat Games. All presidents of the 13 IF’s were present and a huge delegation from Beijing travelled to Dubai, led by the Vice Mayor of Beijing. SportAccord President Mr. Hein Verbruggen addressed and sent his regards and warmest appreciation to all participating federations. The preparations are now in final stages and it truly has become an event for the elite athletes. The Vice Mayor of Beijing gave a detailed presentation and the theme of the Games will be “The Art of Combat”. The cultural program is a very important part of the event. The highlight of the Combat Games meeting was when all 13 IF’s signed the official contract with SportAccord. Just over four months to go, and the world eagerly awaits this historical event.




Source: http://www.ifmamuaythai.org/HTML/10_0505_SigningCere.html