UAE Muaythai National Team

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Exclusive interview with matchmaker MAA Stanislav Bukhlov

1. You've been a matchmaker of Martial Arts Academy for a long time. What can you say about the overall progress of War on the Shore series?
Main progress of course is done in an international field; I mean the event was recognized and renowned by World Muaythai authorities and community. Although there has been a time gap between events in Dubai, people still remember first and second promotions, because for fighters War on the Shore has been an important part of their career and for spectators an exciting show.


2. You were a referee for War on the Shore-3: what was the most memorable and spectacular fight for you?
Actually I wasn’t referee on War on the Shore 3, I was referee on War on the Shore 2 and speaking about this event for sure the best fight was Malik Omarov (Russia) vs Olley Watson (United Kingdom). As for the last event fight Samranchai 96 Peenung vs Mostafa Abdollahi was the most intensive and dramatic.


3. What can you say about fighters' level of preparation for the event in general?
Everyone did a god job. Fighters from Thailand are fighting every 2-3 weeks and all their life is a preparation, but UAE fighters just need more fights, they must have chance to gain experience and it’s impossible without regular tournaments. Regular events will attract pro fighters to the country, and will encourage local fighters to train. There is a connection between number of events in the country and number of fighters.


4. We know that Martial Arts Academy has already started planning War on the Shore-4. What are your expectations?
War on the Shore is constant only in one thing – it’s pure Muaythai, but main theme is always different. I’ll explain that, WOTS 1 was a battle of heavyweights, WOTS 2 was battle of Commonwealth and UAE fighters, WOTS 3 was battle between Thailand and Middle East. Honestly I have no idea what Vladimir Burdun is up to this time, but for sure it’ll be something new.

5. What can you say about the level of Muaythai in the UAE today in comparison with 2007 (when first episode of WOTS was carried out)?
It’s improving, but WOTS has been an international event from the very beginning. It’s really not depending much on the local fighters, (as well as Dubai Tennis Open does not depend on the level of tennis in UAE) fighters for main fights are usually brought from Britain, Russia, Holland, Thailand, etc.

6. What can you say to those UAE residents, who are not aware of Muaythai?
Sometimes you can hear someone saying that little people in UAE are aware about Muaythai, I see absolutely no problem about that. Muaythai is always a good show to watch, people do not need any special knowledge to attend Muaythai events, because when it comes to fight everyone understands what’s happening in the ring. Those who’re not aware yet, will have a very exciting experience of discovering Muaythai with next War on the Shore.