A Thai Town might be built in Hollywood due to the booming success of Muaythai
Following the recent boom in popularity of muaythai in the USA, TTR predicts muaythai training camps will become big business and invites companies to invest in the building of a “Thai Town” in Hollywood to tap into and develop this demand.
Watchara Pannachet, the president on TTR, said that TTR and Honorary Consuls of Los Angeles and the entrepreneur of Muaythai camps in California will organize the rules and regulations for the Muaythai camps in California as well as all the other Muaythai camps in the USA to strengthen the business even more. Currently, there are an estimated 1,000 muaythai camps in America with 400 of these in California alone. However, a lack of industry standards means that each camp is free to run their business as they want. Muaythai, however, is a very disciplined martial art and is legally considered as a form of physical education in the educational institutes in the USA.
Mr. Watchara states that if Thai entrepreneurs help organize the Muaythai business by making Muaythai camps to be fitness centers as well, it will further increase the value of the business because the camps will not only provide education and training but will also be a focal point for the whole industry and related revenue streams, such as selling muaythai merchandise or even souvenirs. There is clearly a demand as just from muaythai training in California alone, the estimated annual income is 360 million baht.
“Muaythai is endorsed by the World Boxing Council and has become as prominent among foreigners as Taekwondo and Karate. As a result, if the owners of Muaythai businesses discuss and participate with one another to increase the quality of Muaythai camps, it will strengthen Muaythai even more and most importantly it will result in increased income. TTR will follow up with the related institutes, especially with the Ministry of Tourism and Sports to help promote Muaythai to become an important and successful business,” said Mr. Watchara. Other than that, TTR will also collaborate with the Honorary Consuls of Thailand and the Thai entrepreneurs to propose the idea of constructing a Thai Town northern Hollywood following in the footsteps of Chinatown, “Korean Town” and “Little Japan” in Los Angeles. For this, TTR and the Honorary Consuls of Thailand will consult with real estate companies in Thailand to invest and manage the buildings in Thai Town such as restaurants, snack shops, spas, Thai massage shops, barber shops, Thai product delivery shops, book shops, Thai CD shops, etc, so that the Thai owners of those buildings are guaranteed to own the land as well.
Mr. Watchara mentioned that TTR and the institutes will persuade the Thai community in California to invest in the construction of a community bank so that it will be more convenient to do business in California just as the Koreans and Japanese have done. The community bank will provide expediency especially for financial work and business. At the moment, several Thai banks are already present such as Kasikorn Bank and the Siam Commercial Bank.
Source: Elite Boxing