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Athletic Club Troia – Greece

Athletic Club Troia – Greece

Hellenic Muaythai Federation


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Athletic Club Troia (Αθλητικός Σύλλογος η Τροία) is the new member of the big family of the Hellenic Muaythai Federation, and consequentially of the European Muaythai Federation (EMF) and the International Federation of Muaythai Amateur (IFMA).

A.C. Troia was founded by Drosos Michalis in a high society area of Athens, called Palaio Faliro, where muaythai was not an athletic option for sportsmen till now. The growth in popularity of the art and sport of muaythai throughout the world reflects the hard work, dedication and organization of each and every National Federation together with the international governing body for muaythai. This is something muaythai fans should really be proud of.

Even though the club just started to operate last month, it already counts many talented athletes. Other than Drosos Michalis himself, who is the gym’s head coach, his fighter, Tzafos Ioannis, also teaches at the club as his assistant trainer. The scientific supervisor of the club is Avramidou Maria, the 6 times World Champion in muaythai, sanda and boxing.

The club is opened every day in the afternoon and anyone interested can join the classes of muaythai, muay boran, shinseikan karate and meditation groups.

For more information please refer to: www.hellas-ifmamuaythai.com
or email: [email protected]

Source: World Muaythai Council.