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Results. 2nd International Open Karate Master Cup in Dubai

Today come to an end the first day of 2nd International Open Karate Master Cup (I.O.K.M.C.) organised by Martial Arts Academy. The competition took place in Etisalat Academy Recreation & Sport Complex. The main rivals in the field of karate were Iran and U.A.E. Iran which is well known as a country were thousands of citizens are involved into martial arts came out to be the strongest opponent for the team of Emirates. However Iran came second after excellent performance of U.A.E. National team. Both teams went toe to toe but finally U.A.E. come first in kata for kids of 9-13 years and in kata for juniors of 14-17 years. Martial Arts Academy sport club has brought to the tournament its own team, which has been competing against karate teams of others countries. Martial Arts Academy main karate instructor - Franklin K. Kawaen took first place in kata by unanimous decision of all judges. In individual kata for kids among 9-13 years Alladin Abu Shanab from Martial Arts Academy karate team took the 3rd place. In group kata for kids under the age of 15 Martial Arts Academy karate team took the first place. The promotors of 2nd International Open Karate Master Cup - Mohammed Abbas (the board member of U.A.E. National karate team) and Vladimir Burdun (the owner of Martial Arts Academy) and Omar Omari (Head Of Marketing Etisalat Academy) are determined to bring the sport of martial arts in U.A.E. to high level.
More information about 2nd I.O.K.M.C you can find on its official web site www.iokmc.com