The last day of the IFMA world championship was without a doubt a day which will remain in the memory of athletes and spectators alike. The stadium was pack to bursting and over 10,000 people had to be turned away as there was no more room, not even to stand. The Championship was televised on every TV station in Uzbekistan as well as all Russian speaking countries. The President of the Olympic committee of Uzbekistan, The President for the committee of Sports and Martial Arts and many other VIPs were present in the VIP section. As it came down to counting the final points to decide on the 2011 overall champion it was an exceedingly close competition, between this year’s host Uzbekistan, Thailand, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine and Belorussia. Uzbekistan was literally on fire and took home the most medals this year. Thailand won the Elite Fighter Competition. Sweden won the Female Competition. Russia, the host of the 2012 World Championship, won the Junior Competition; showing that they will have plenty of talent to put forward next year. Turkey won the Junior Female competition. The best Wai Khru went to Sattra Paleenaram from thailand. The best female Wai Khru went to Jurisic Helena from Croatia. The best overall boxer was Kholmuratov Firdavsiy from Uzbekistan. The 2011 IFMA championship was the best championship we have had to date, so the pressure is now on Russia to carry the torch and bring something special to 2012. Source: IFMA.