At IFMA we know and believe that the children are our future. That is why IFMA constantly urges its member National Federations to promote and develop their youth in order to shape a bright future for the sport on its journey towards the Olympic rings. May 12th will see this push for development take place in Sweden with its Junior Championship event open to boys and girls aged 12 – 17. IFMA wishes every young athlete the best of luck
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A special meeting was held at the Four Wings Hotel in Bangkok for the upcoming ‘Muaythai Towards IOC’ event. The meeting was chaired by H.E. General Pichitr Kullavanijaya, Privy Councillor to His Majesty the King, and at the main table, there were dignitaries such as Dr. Nat Indrapana, IOC Member for Thailand, General Chetta Thanajaro, President of the WMC, Dr. Sakchye Tapsuwan, President of IFMA, Admiral Surawut Maharom, Advisor to Educational Funds for the Sports Executive Committee, and representing
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16/03/12 - Press Release
A special meeting was held at the Four Wings Hotel in Bangkok for the upcoming 'Muaythai Towards
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Sunday 11th of March saw the conclusion of another Polish Open Muaythai Championships organised by IFMA Member NF the Polish Muaythai Federation under the Presidency of Rafal Szlachta, IFMA Executive Committee member. It was the biggest event in amateur Muaythai in Poland for 2012. The Polish Open Muaythai Championship was held during three days 9th, 10th and 11th of March in Kalisz. Over 120 fighters from Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Ireland participated in these championships. The winners every weight
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13 March 2012 To: All IFMA Member National Federations From: Stephan Fox, IFMA General Secretary Dear Colleagues, I would like to ask you from today onwards to make a weekly update on our events on your websites and maybe also once a month send a newsletter to your NOCs and Sport Authorities. We must show the world our activities and show them how strong we are and that we stand out from any other so-called sanctioning body and world
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13/03/12 - A Message from the IFMA General Secretary…
I would like to ask you from today onwards to make a weekly update on our events on your
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13/03/12 - The Polish Open Muaythai Championships - A Smashing Success!!
Sunday 11th of March saw the conclusion of another Polish Open Muaythai Championships organised
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Following the resolve to gain full Government recognition (the Muaythai Federation of Nigeria currently have a provisional recognition status), the federation took great initiatives and took their lobbying exploit to their National Parliament – House of Representative Committee on sports on a 2 – day meeting session from the 21st to 22nd of February 2012. The Sports Committee is headed by Hon. GodfreyAli Gaiya. The federation’s request received very favourable attention and programmes have already been put in place to
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1st – 5th March 2012 saw the 35th International Tourism Exhibition and Fair in Budapest. A separate Olympic pavilion was opened to promote sports and the sporty way of life, where, besides the Olympic sports, IFMA member National Federation for Hungary took great initiative to promote the sport and art of muaythai from a specially designated stand at which demonstrations were performed, and visitors to the expo were informed about muaythai. The stand was a hit, with activities for visitors
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12/03/12 - Muaythai Featured at the Olympic Pavilion in Hungary
1st - 5th March 2012 saw the 35th International Tourism Exhibition and Fair in Budapest.
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